vendredi 20 juin 2008


Ok, so I have almost survived this whole thing. I'm quite proud of myself and I have learned quite alot, even if it was all the hard way. The things I have learned are as follows:

1) I have learned that people are people no matter where you go. They are just harder to deal with when you can't speak their language very well.

2) I learned how to deal with dirty bathrooms. After spending a month in this country I have found only one bathroom that has been what your average person would call clean. That's right, I am not even holding them to MY standards of clean and they are still terribly disgusting to be nice.

3) I have had the idea reinforced to NEVER have a carpeted bathroom. Yes, the bathroom in my house is carpeted and I'm waiting until I get home to imagine what kinds of things are imbedded in that carpet.

4) I have learned how to take a shower in a bathtub, not a shower stall, simply a bathtub without a shower curtain. Mind you, this is a bathtub that you cannot take a bath in and it is located in a carpeted bathroom. Its quite the accomplishment and I am quite proud of myself.

5) I have learned that I have been holding my knife and fork wrong for 23 years. I now, after having my hands slapped multiple times, know how to hold my silverware.

6) I have learned to appreciate the internet. I'm not even going to open this can of worms, I'm simply going to say, appreciate your internet. You don't know what you have until its gone or turned off at random.

7) I have learned how to deal with shit. Yes, poop, merde, whatever you would like to call it, I can now deal with it. Poop first thing in the morning waiting outside of my bedroom door. Conversations about bowel movements and laxitives at the breakfast table (initiated by the Michigan girl). And this prepares me for a day in a city that is littered with dog poop. And its humid here so its not the best kind of poop to deal with. After dealing with this poop, however, I now feel that I can take on any type of poop the world has to throw at me.

8) Most importantly, I have learned that I am extremely happy to be an American. Yes, this is me being patriotic. Leave it to me to bring politics in but hey, I'm me even when I am in France. It saddens me that we are represented by Brittney Spears and George W Bush but every country has their faults. And at least the public of America can admit ours (for the most part). The thing that bothers me about the French is they only see everyone elses faults even though they have Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy. People are people but I'm content with being American.

J'adore Paris!

vendredi 13 juin 2008

Halfway there!

Ok, so I haven't been writing much on here but that's because the internet is so so so so so so so slow! I found an Irish pub that has a good connection but really, it's an authentic Irish Pub and its a little hard to stay focused on the computer. I must say, the Irish people here are wonderful!! Sometimes (aka most times) I wish I were in Ireland instead. But the Pale Pub will have to suffice until then. And the way I see it, I am learning another culture by hanging out there. I culture I think I prefer over France.

Well, I only have 17 days left here and I don't feel too sad at this moment. As far as the city of Tours goes there isn't much to do. There is a lot to see at first but it only takes a few days to do that and once you've seen it, about the only thing to do is to shop and to go to the discoteques.... And we all know how much I love both of those things. I wouldn't recommend staying more than two or three days here. They do have a really nice river here though and they say there are all sorts of fish in it. Unfortunately there is always a mais (but) the river has a problem with quicksand so its pretty much off limits. (yes, quicksand)

My host family is great and the 5 cats have warmed up to me quite quickly. Apparently one does not like me though and continues to leave me a little present outside of my bedroom every morning. That's one thing I've been dealing with here; "merde" aka Shit. Its everywhere. I can't believe the Simpsons left that out when Bart came here. Its a big deal here! The cat poops outside my door and its no big deal, the main decor on the streets is dog poop and urine, and my house-mate has now decided to adopt this culture thing and tells me about her bowel movements on a daily basis...But I guess shit happens.

My host mother is wonderful. She approached me last night and expressed how much she liked me because I reminded her of her daughter and she was very sad that I am leaving in a little more than 2 weeks. It made me feel a little sad about counting down the days until I go. She is really wonderful though, and is always talking to her cats and if she is not talking to them she is talking to me about them. Which I don't have a problem with because I always have plenty to say about my own, which I miss terribly.

But that's Tours, France in a nutshell. Look at me, I'm in a nutshell.

A bientot!

My second week in France